Example - 3 day split

This notebook shows features of streprogen, the Python strength program generator.

Contributions to the code are welcome. :)

!pip install streprogen matplotlib --quiet


from streprogen import Program, reps_to_intensity, progression_diffeq
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import functools

A custom periodization function

Let’s replace the default progression function with a wave function.

plt.figure(figsize=(8, 4))
plt.title("Relationship between weeks and general strength progression")

duration = 8
weeks = list(range(1, duration + 1))

def progress(weeks, start_weight, final_weight, start_week, final_week):
    """Custom progress function.

    You can define any function here, but it must have the signature:

        func(weeks, start_weight, final_weight, start_week, final_week)
    # Setting k=0 below makes the function perfectly linear
    # Setting k>0 makes the function increasingly non-linear
    base = progression_diffeq(weeks, start_weight, final_weight, start_week, final_week, k=1)
    period = 3
    amplitude = 0.05

    return (1 + amplitude*((weeks - 1) % period - period // 2) / (period - 1))*base

custom = [progress(w, start_weight=100, final_weight=120, start_week=1, final_week=duration) for w in weeks]
default = [Program._default_progression_func(w, start_weight=100, final_weight=120, start_week=1, final_week=duration) for w in weeks]

# Plot the two functions
plt.plot(weeks, custom, '-o', label="Custom progress function")
plt.plot(weeks, default, '-o', label="Default progress function")
plt.xlabel("Weeks"); plt.ylabel("Weight")
plt.legend(); plt.grid(); plt.tight_layout()

Program setup

Below is the code creating the program.

  • It’s a relatively straightforward split program, mostly using defaults.
  • You will have to add your own values for the exercises, i.e. the weights.
  • We demonstrate some more advanced features and commented on them.
program = Program(
    # The name of the training program
    # The baseline number of repetitions per dynamic exercise.
    # Units for the weights, typically 'kg', 'lbs' or '' (empty)
    # What the weights are rounded to (closest multiple of this number)
    # Set intensity
    # Override the default progression function with out own


# Use the random module to generate some random set/rep schemes
import random

def random_set_ret_scheme(week):
    return random.choice(["3x12", "4x10", "5x8"])

# --------------------------------------------------
# ---- Carefully assess the program, then go back --
# ---- and adjust further if necessary.           --
# --------------------------------------------------

with program.Day("Day A - Chest/tri"):
    program.DynamicExercise(name="Bench", start_weight=100)

    # BW stands for body weight, so if you weigh 80kg and it says 90kg,
    # then you add 10kg in a belt
    program.DynamicExercise(name="Dips", start_weight=105, min_reps=4)
    # For this specific exercise we change the rounding
    program.DynamicExercise(name="Incline bench", start_weight=80, round_to=2.5)
    program.StaticExercise("French press", random_set_ret_scheme)

with program.Day("Day B - Back/bi"):
    program.DynamicExercise(name="Light squats", start_weight=100, min_reps=4)
    # Below we decrease the reps and increase the intensity of deadlifts a little
    program.DynamicExercise(name="Deadlifts", start_weight=140, reps=15, max_reps=5, min_reps=2, intensity=89)
    program.DynamicExercise(name="Seated rows", start_weight=90, min_reps=5, intensity=79)
    program.StaticExercise("Chin ups", "4x8")
    program.StaticExercise("Curls", random_set_ret_scheme)

with program.Day("Day C - Legs"):
    program.DynamicExercise(name="Heavy Squats", start_weight=120)
    program.DynamicExercise(name="Bench", start_weight=105)
    program.DynamicExercise(name="Stiffleg DLs", start_weight=100)
    program.StaticExercise("Chin ups", "3x10")
    program.StaticExercise("Claf raises", random_set_ret_scheme)

Render the program

# Do the computations and render a program. Might take a few seconds.
/home/tommy/Desktop/github/streprogen/streprogen/program.py:357: UserWarning: WARNING: The exercise 'Seated rows' is restricted to repetitions in the range [5, 8].
This maps to intensities in the range [75.5, 84.3], but the goal average intensity is 75.0,
which is not achievable with this rep range.
SOLUTION: Either (1) change the repetition range, (2) change the desired intensity
or (3) ignore this message. The software will do it's best to remedy this.


Export the program as .html or .tex, then to .pdf

A .html file can be printed directly from your browser, or printed to a .pdf from your browser.

# Save the program as a HTML file
with open('3DaySplitWithPeriodization.html', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
    # Control table width (number of sets) by passing the 'table_width' argument
# Save the program as a TEX file
with open('3DaySplitWithPeriodization.tex', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
    # Control table width (number of sets) by passing the 'table_width' argument

Use a .tex to generate .pdf if you have LaTeX installed, or use:

# If you have LaTeX installed on your system, you can render a program to .tex
# Alternatively, you can paste the LaTeX into: https://latexbase.com/
% -----------------------------------------------
% Package imports
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\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}% 'twoside' for printing
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% Allow input to be UTF-8
\usepackage[margin=2cm]{geometry}% May be used to set margins

% -----------------------------------------------
% Document start
% -----------------------------------------------


\section*{Program: 3DaySplitWithPeriodization}

This program was made using \verb|streprogen|,
the Python strength program generator.
The latest version can be found at \\

\section*{Program parameters}
        \textbf{Parameter} & \textbf{Value} \\ \hline
        \verb|duration|             & 8 \\
        \verb|reps_per_exercise|    & 22 \\
        \verb|intensity|            & 80 \\
        \verb|units|                & kg

\section*{Exercise information}
    \textbf{Exercise} & \textbf{Start} & \textbf{End} & \textbf{Reps min}
    & \textbf{Reps max} & \textbf{Weekly increase} \\ \hline
      \textbf{ Day A - Chest/tri } & & & & & \\ \hline
        \hspace{0.5em}Bench &
        100 kg &
        112 kg &
        3 & 8 &
        \hspace{0.5em}Dips &
        105 kg &
        117.6 kg &
        4 & 8 &
        \hspace{0.5em}Incline bench &
        80 kg &
        89.6 kg &
        3 & 8 &
       \hspace{0.5em}French press & \multicolumn{ 5 }{l}{ 4x10 } \\
      \textbf{ Day B - Back/bi } & & & & & \\ \hline
        \hspace{0.5em}Light squats &
        100 kg &
        112 kg &
        4 & 8 &
        \hspace{0.5em}Deadlifts &
        140 kg &
        156.8 kg &
        2 & 5 &
        \hspace{0.5em}Seated rows &
        90 kg &
        100.8 kg &
        5 & 8 &
       \hspace{0.5em}Chin ups & \multicolumn{ 5 }{l}{ 4x8 } \\
       \hspace{0.5em}Curls & \multicolumn{ 5 }{l}{ 5x8 } \\
      \textbf{ Day C - Legs } & & & & & \\ \hline
        \hspace{0.5em}Heavy Squats &
        120 kg &
        134.4 kg &
        3 & 8 &
        \hspace{0.5em}Bench &
        105 kg &
        117.6 kg &
        3 & 8 &
        \hspace{0.5em}Stiffleg DLs &
        100 kg &
        112 kg &
        3 & 8 &
       \hspace{0.5em}Chin ups & \multicolumn{ 5 }{l}{ 3x10 } \\
       \hspace{0.5em}Claf raises & \multicolumn{ 5 }{l}{ 4x10 } \\

 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 1 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day A - Chest/tri }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Dips
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Incline bench
            & 8 x 60kg
            & 8 x 60kg
            & 8 x 60kg

   \hspace{0.75em} French press &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x12 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day B - Back/bi }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Light squats
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlifts
            & 5 x 115kg
            & 5 x 115kg
            & 5 x 115kg
            & 4 x 120kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Seated rows
            & 8 x 65kg
            & 8 x 65kg
            & 8 x 65kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x8 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Curls &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 5x8 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day C - Legs }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Heavy Squats
            & 8 x 90kg
            & 8 x 90kg
            & 8 x 90kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Stiffleg DLs
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x10 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Claf raises &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x10 } \\

 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 2 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day A - Chest/tri }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Dips
            & 8 x 80kg
            & 8 x 80kg
            & 8 x 80kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Incline bench
            & 8 x 62.5kg
            & 8 x 62.5kg
            & 8 x 62.5kg

   \hspace{0.75em} French press &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x10 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day B - Back/bi }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Light squats
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlifts
            & 5 x 120kg
            & 5 x 120kg
            & 4 x 125kg
            & 3 x 130kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Seated rows
            & 8 x 70kg
            & 8 x 70kg
            & 8 x 70kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x8 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Curls &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 5x8 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day C - Legs }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Heavy Squats
            & 8 x 95kg
            & 8 x 95kg
            & 8 x 95kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 8 x 80kg
            & 8 x 80kg
            & 8 x 80kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Stiffleg DLs
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x10 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Claf raises &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x10 } \\

 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 3 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day A - Chest/tri }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 6 x 85kg
            & 5 x 90kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Dips
            & 7 x 90kg
            & 7 x 90kg
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 95kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Incline bench
            & 7 x 67.5kg
            & 7 x 67.5kg
            & 6 x 70kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg

   \hspace{0.75em} French press &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x12 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day B - Back/bi }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Light squats
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 6 x 85kg
            & 5 x 90kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlifts
            & 5 x 125kg
            & 4 x 130kg
            & 4 x 130kg
            & 3 x 135kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Seated rows
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 8 x 75kg
            & 7 x 75kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x8 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Curls &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x12 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day C - Legs }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Heavy Squats
            & 7 x 100kg
            & 7 x 100kg
            & 6 x 105kg
            & 5 x 110kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 7 x 90kg
            & 7 x 90kg
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 95kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Stiffleg DLs
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 6 x 85kg
            & 5 x 90kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x10 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Claf raises &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 5x8 } \\

 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 4 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day A - Chest/tri }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 7 x 80kg
            & 6 x 85kg
            & 6 x 85kg
            & 5 x 85kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Dips
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 90kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Incline bench
            & 7 x 65kg
            & 6 x 67.5kg
            & 6 x 67.5kg
            & 5 x 70kg

   \hspace{0.75em} French press &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x12 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day B - Back/bi }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Light squats
            & 7 x 80kg
            & 6 x 85kg
            & 6 x 85kg
            & 5 x 85kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlifts
            & 4 x 125kg
            & 4 x 125kg
            & 4 x 125kg
            & 3 x 130kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Seated rows
            & 8 x 70kg
            & 7 x 75kg
            & 7 x 75kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x8 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Curls &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 5x8 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day C - Legs }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Heavy Squats
            & 7 x 95kg
            & 6 x 100kg
            & 6 x 100kg
            & 5 x 105kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 90kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Stiffleg DLs
            & 7 x 80kg
            & 6 x 85kg
            & 6 x 85kg
            & 5 x 85kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x10 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Claf raises &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x10 } \\

 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 5 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day A - Chest/tri }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 6 x 90kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Dips
            & 7 x 90kg
            & 7 x 90kg
            & 6 x 90kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Incline bench
            & 7 x 67.5kg
            & 7 x 67.5kg
            & 6 x 70kg

   \hspace{0.75em} French press &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x12 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day B - Back/bi }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Light squats
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 6 x 90kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlifts
            & 4 x 130kg
            & 4 x 130kg
            & 3 x 135kg
            & 2 x 140kg
            & 2 x 140kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Seated rows
            & 7 x 75kg
            & 7 x 75kg
            & 6 x 80kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x8 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Curls &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x10 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day C - Legs }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Heavy Squats
            & 7 x 100kg
            & 7 x 100kg
            & 6 x 105kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 7 x 90kg
            & 7 x 90kg
            & 6 x 90kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Stiffleg DLs
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 7 x 85kg
            & 6 x 90kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x10 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Claf raises &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x12 } \\

 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 6 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day A - Chest/tri }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 95kg
            & 4 x 100kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Dips
            & 6 x 95kg
            & 6 x 95kg
            & 5 x 100kg
            & 4 x 105kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Incline bench
            & 6 x 72.5kg
            & 6 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 4 x 77.5kg

   \hspace{0.75em} French press &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x10 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day B - Back/bi }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Light squats
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 95kg
            & 4 x 100kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlifts
            & 4 x 135kg
            & 3 x 140kg
            & 3 x 140kg
            & 2 x 145kg
            & 2 x 145kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Seated rows
            & 7 x 80kg
            & 6 x 80kg
            & 6 x 80kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x8 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Curls &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 5x8 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day C - Legs }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Heavy Squats
            & 6 x 110kg
            & 6 x 110kg
            & 5 x 115kg
            & 4 x 120kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 6 x 95kg
            & 6 x 95kg
            & 5 x 100kg
            & 4 x 105kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Stiffleg DLs
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 95kg
            & 4 x 100kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x10 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Claf raises &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 5x8 } \\

 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 7 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day A - Chest/tri }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 90kg
            & 5 x 90kg
            & 4 x 95kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Dips
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 95kg
            & 5 x 95kg
            & 4 x 100kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Incline bench
            & 6 x 70kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 72.5kg
            & 4 x 75kg

   \hspace{0.75em} French press &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 5x8 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day B - Back/bi }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Light squats
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 90kg
            & 5 x 90kg
            & 4 x 95kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlifts
            & 3 x 135kg
            & 3 x 135kg
            & 3 x 135kg
            & 2 x 140kg
            & 2 x 140kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Seated rows
            & 6 x 80kg
            & 6 x 80kg
            & 6 x 80kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x8 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Curls &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x12 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day C - Legs }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Heavy Squats
            & 6 x 105kg
            & 5 x 110kg
            & 5 x 110kg
            & 4 x 115kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 95kg
            & 5 x 95kg
            & 4 x 100kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Stiffleg DLs
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 90kg
            & 5 x 90kg
            & 4 x 95kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x10 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Claf raises &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 5x8 } \\

 \subsection*{\hspace{0.25em} Week 8 }
  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day A - Chest/tri }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 95kg
            & 4 x 100kg
            & 4 x 100kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Dips
            & 6 x 95kg
            & 5 x 100kg
            & 4 x 105kg
            & 4 x 105kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Incline bench
            & 6 x 72.5kg
            & 5 x 75kg
            & 4 x 77.5kg
            & 4 x 77.5kg

   \hspace{0.75em} French press &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x10 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day B - Back/bi }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Light squats
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 95kg
            & 4 x 100kg
            & 4 x 100kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Deadlifts
            & 2 x 145kg
            & 2 x 145kg
            & 2 x 145kg
            & 2 x 145kg
            & 2 x 145kg
            & 2 x 145kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Seated rows
            & 6 x 80kg
            & 6 x 80kg
            & 5 x 85kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x8 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Curls &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 4x10 } \\

  \subsection*{\hspace{0.5em} Day C - Legs }

  \hspace{0.75em} \textbf{Exercise} & \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ \textbf{Sets / reps} } \\ \hline

            \hspace{0.75em} Heavy Squats
            & 6 x 110kg
            & 5 x 115kg
            & 4 x 120kg
            & 4 x 120kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Bench
            & 6 x 95kg
            & 5 x 100kg
            & 4 x 105kg
            & 4 x 105kg

            \hspace{0.75em} Stiffleg DLs
            & 6 x 90kg
            & 5 x 95kg
            & 4 x 100kg
            & 4 x 100kg

   \hspace{0.75em} Chin ups &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 3x10 } \\
   \hspace{0.75em} Claf raises &  \multicolumn{ 7 }{l}{ 5x8 } \\
